Home > NaBloPoMo, Pathfinder > Character Backstory: Khet Toova

Character Backstory: Khet Toova

15 November 2011 Leave a comment Go to comments

Male child of Lanovan and Samsara Toova. Father (Lanovan) is a respected Human Scribe, Osiriontologist and Archeologist. Mother (Samsara) is the (in)famous Elven Rogue Tomb raider and collector of ancient artifacts. With the birth of their child, Khaqet, named for the birthmark on his back resembling a circle (life force, ka) inscribed by eternal flame (khet), the family spent many years exploring, documenting, mapping, and cataloging the ancient tombs and underworld of Osirion, teaching their child to read and write in their native tongues as well that of the Osiriani. Khaqet entered the monestary to pursue his own studies into the history and culture of the people who have accepted him when many others would not have. The only hints to his maternal heritage are a slight point to his ears and the vibrant green eyes that peer out from shaggy ash blonde hair. Having concluded his basic study with the monks and taken his unimposing stature from his father to top out at only 5′ 5″ tall, Khaqet is ready to seek his fortune and increase his knowledge by joining the Pathfinder Society.

Categories: NaBloPoMo, Pathfinder
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